A smart home means that you have devices in your home that are connected to the internet and can control smartphones, tablets, or computers. With your internet systems, you can control the lights, the television, the blinds, the sound system, and security cameras. Most people put home security at the top of their list. Products for home security include cameras, sensors, touch panels, video doorbells, and more. Setting up cameras is the first step you take to assure the security of your home and family. The following are are some tips and tricks that you should keep in mind when setting up your camera security system.
Do Not Hide Your Cameras
Always keep your cameras in full view. Burglars do not want to get caught and will shy away from a home with security system cameras in view. If you are want to catch someone of a particular crime a hidden camera is less likely to be compromised, it is more effective at capturing evidence and information. So, hidden cameras can be useful if you want to prove that something is happening rather than preventing it. Such as someone breaking into your car.
Secure more than just your front door: Around 34% of burglars enter through the front door, so you definitely need a security camera watching. Actually, this is the most important security camera placement outside the home. Place your camera at a second-floor level to avoid a burglar from knocking out your camera. Also, use a video doorbell camera with is connected to your smartphone to be able to get notifications and alerts on the activity at the front door. Also, you could consider back doors and floor windows to be secure.
Motion Detection Is a Great Tool
Smart sensors are excellent devices if you’re looking for added security. They can detect motion, monitor room temperature, and alert you when someone enters your home. Of course, you cannot monitor your security camera 24/7 so that is the job of the motion detectors. For example, your camera will be set to alert when a human is approaching your door. One of the most classic uses for a motion sensor is to use it to activate lights to turn on or off automatically. For example, if someone is walking up through your front yard at night, your motion sensors can automatically turn your porch lights on. You will need to decide what kind of activities you want to monitor and activate the right features on your smart phone.
How Do You Want To Power Your Security Cameras?
Your camera will need a power source. You will need to decide how you want your camera connected…
- A power cable
- Solar Wire-free
- Battery-powered Wire-free
The battery-powered and solar-powered wire-free security cameras can still work when electric power is out, but the wireless and wired security cameras couldn’t work without electricity. The wire-free security cameras can support battery power or solar power, or both of them. And the other types of wireless security cameras need to be plugged into the electric outlet for the power supply. How you power home security cameras can greatly affect the camera’s uses and applications.
Contact us (513-384-6327) for help designing and installing technology solutions for your home or office!
About AVtech, Ltd
AVtech Ltd is a residential and light commercial electronics systems contractor that delivers technology and audio/visual solutions to customers in Greater Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio.
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